Programming Scala introduces an exciting new language that offers all the benefits of a modern object model, functional programming, and an advanced type system. Packed with code examples, this comprehensive book teaches you how to be productive with Scala quickly, and explains what makes this language ideal for today's highly scalable, component-based applications that support concurrency and distribution. You'll also learn the advantages that Scala offers as a language for the Java Virtual Machine.
CHRISTEN'S BLOG 昨夜西风凋碧树。独上高楼,望尽天涯路。
Oreilly Programming Scala
First Steps to Scala
Scala is a statically typed, object-oriented programming language that blends imperative and functional programming styles. Scala is designed to integrate easily with applications that run on modern virtual machines, primarily the Java virtual machine (JVM). The main Scala compiler, scalac, generates Java class files that can be run on the JVM.
Effective Scala
Scala 是 Twitter 使用的主要应用编程语言之一。很多我们的基础架构都是用scala写的,我们也有一些大的库支持我们使用。
虽然非常有效,Scala 也是一门大的语言,经验教会我们在实践中要非常小心。 它有什么陷阱?哪些特性我们应该拥抱,哪些应该避开?我们什么时候采用纯函数式风格,什么时候应该避免?换句话说:我们发现哪些可以高效的使用这门语言的地方?
本指南试图把我们的经验提炼成短文,提供一系列最佳实践。Apress Beginning Scala
The open source Scala language is a Java-based dynamic scripting, functional programming language. Moreover, this highly scalable scripting language lends itself well to building cloud-based/deliverable Software as a Service (SaaS) online applications.
Written by Lift Scala web framework founder and lead Dave Pollak, Beginning Scala takes a down-to-earth approach to teaching Scala that leads you through simple examples that can be combined to build complex, scalable systems and applications.
This book introduces you to the Scala programming language and then guides you through Scala constructs and libraries that allow small and large teams to assemble small components into high-performance, scalable systems. You will learn why Scala is becoming the language of choice for Web 2.0 companies such as Twitter as well as enterprises such as Seimens and SAP.
Scala in Action
Scala 的学习曲线很陡,不过,学会之后,用起来应该很爽!
期待了三年的《Scala in Action》,三月会发布吗?
Even within a single application, programming problems often lend themselves to a particular style of programming — functional, imperative, dynamic — but most programming languages require you to choose a single approach before you start. Scala provides a more flexible option. Scala is a statically typed programming language that blends the object oriented and functional programming models, giving you the flexibility to use the right approach for each specific case. And it's really good! Scala's type system is one of the best out there, and its type inference allows you to write succinct type safe code, crucial for large enterprise teams. Because Scala runs on the JVM, it's immediately practical for any Java shop to start using Scala.
Scala in Action is a comprehensive tutorial that introduces Scala through clear explanations and numerous hands-on examples. Because Scala is a rich and deep language, it can be daunting to absorb all the new concepts at once. This book takes a how-to approach, explaining language concepts as you explore familiar programming challenges that you face in your day-to-day work.
You won't just get the theory of functional programming. Instead, you'll learn to do concurrent programming using Scala's Actors and Akka libraries. You won't just discuss integration strategies, you'll learn to effectively mix Scala and Spring. You won't just talk about ways to simplify programming, you'll learn to build DSLs and other productivity tools.